Sunday, February 26, 2006


Not all the students can afford to go home for the Carnaval break. So last night we showed "Motorcycle Diaries" (en español, naturalmente) and today we organized a soccer match that was supposed to pit the upper campus against the lower campus. Except there weren't enough people from both places who wanted to play, so the rivalry was scrapped and we shifted from the big grass field to the basketball court. Which sounds odd, unless you've seen futsal played. Some call it 'salon soccer' but it's fast and a little rough and high-energy regardless. There something about the goalie's job being different, but the smaller concrete court and the smaller ball (filled with sand, rags and/or water, I'm told) are the main differences.

Here are a few of my favorite shots, desaturated to just black & white. It was dusk, but with my much-doted-upon telephoto lens and a little piece of magic Canon calls Image Stabilizer, I got some great, if grainy (ISO 1600) photos.


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